Monday, May 21, 2007

(Scott) The American Express promotion is really just a terrible incentive.
(Scott) Watch more of the season that sucked than you really need to.
(Scott) I've said it before, I'll say it again. You do not need a truck that can do anything you see in a truck commercial.
(Joe) Commercial: Generic tough Toyota Tundra commercial.
(Scott) No, you're not an exception. Just go ahead an get a civic.
(Joe) Commercial: iPod/iTunes
(Joe) Commercial: Apocalypto on DVD
(Scott) Black people being nice to white people. White people being nice to black people. That's Liberty Mutual folks
(Scott) 4:19
(Joe) Commercial: People doing the sh*t they're supposed to do in civil society.
(Scott) The component has an R72 socket on the underside.
(Scott) Plug your PDA into that.
(Scott) You do have an adapter, right?
(Joe) Your PDA has a R-72 socket. You can easily interface with the secret Russian technology.
(Scott) Internal deployment grid . . .
(Joe) 'I need to view your internal deployment grid.'
(Joe) 94 ACN
(Scott) The security code is ACN. This may be why it's so easy to hack into CTU.
(Scott) Why are they holding Marilyn Bauer anyway?
(Scott) And completely lying to her too.
(Joe) 'It doesn't work. Do I have to be using Internet Explorer for this? Oh, it's asking me to accept some certificate.'
(Scott) Seriously, no grounds whatsoever for holding her. They let a noted terrorist walk a couple of seasons ago.
(Joe) Ask Chloe, Nazi.
(Joe) Anyone Confident in Nadia?
(Scott) Josh is standing awkwardly in Chloe's internface.
(Scott) Phillip Bauer is coming by sea.
(Joe) "Morris, the next time I want your opinion, I'll ask for it."
(Joe) One lantern, or two.
(Scott) Generic CTU agent is a terrible job to have.
(Scott) Two, definitely two.
(Joe) "Agent Turner, put the weapon down."
(Scott) He got a name, so I guess he gets to live.
(Scott) Bill Buchanan drives a large truck. If he needs to haul 65 tons, they're set.
(Joe) Agent Turner will likely get a larger-than-normal Christmas/Winter Solstice/Yule bonus.

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