Monday, May 14, 2007

(Joe) Who knows about me and the Russians?
(Joe) Okay, re-runs of House *are* actually better than Drive.
(Scott) 24, season 6 - episode 22
(Scott) The following takes place between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM
(Joe) Jack Bauer's calendar goes from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Jack Bauer.
(Joe) Jack Bauer doesn't speak any foreign languages, but he can make any foreigner speak English in a matter of minutes.
(Scott) Josh appears to have an anger problem.
(Scott) Lots of slapping.
(Scott) A somewhat darker three stooges, really.
(Joe) Chinese Jack Bauer has a way with people.
(Scott) But you don't look Chinese.
(Joe) They seem to be extricating Josh into the sewers.
(Scott) Josh is smart enough to not walk through sewage.
(Joe) I think that's the Cobra logo on top of the static in the monitors.
(Scott) I'm moving ou into two groups. You, you're shirts. The rest of you, skins!
(Joe) "... it's a long shot"
(Joe) "When I make my move, take out the first guy on the left."
(Scott) Morris with the headlock
(Joe) Morris is having trouble. Milo doesn't seem to care.
(Scott) Nadia is kicking a good deal more ass than Morris.
(Joe) Milo still has that blank look on his face.
(Scott) Little Ricky to the rescue.
(Joe) "But you're still under arrest."
(Scott) Doyle's in command.
(Joe) Just like in Denver.
(Scott) You will probably have to shoot him.
(Joe) In the Farsi version: "You did great, even with your garish Western makeup and whorish morality."
(Scott) Maybe I've forgotten from all the ennui, but this seems like more action than we've had in several hours.
(Joe) Jack knows the schematics of the sewer lines better than anyone?

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