Monday, April 02, 2007

(Scott) The Vice President has a large face.
(Scott) Traditionally
(Scott) 9:24
(Joe) 09:24:39
(Scott) Milo, can you fix my computer? I'll just stand over here.
(Scott) It's not as if there is any way Milo couldn't have seen this.
(Joe) Little Ricky: I LOVE religion!
(Scott) Ricky Schroder quoting the prophet? This can't be good.
(Joe) 'I can't get enough! Zoroaster bless you!'
(Joe) Why is Milo wearing a summer camp t-shirt?
(Scott) Just running some datasets. Nothing strange . . .
(Joe) Oh, right. Gun battle.
(Scott) Isn't Jack Bauer still on the show?
(Scott) Oh, geez . . .
(Scott) More Karen/Bill treacle.
(Joe) Surnow: A 'lady politician' is too emotional to keep it together during crisises.
(Scott) The Attorney General has drawn up immunity agreements while presiding over 25 amendment proceedings. And in under 30 minutes.
(Joe) I will set your beard on fire and use it to burn out your urethra.
(Scott) He's much better than the real AG.
(Scott) The Supreme court has instructions in under five minutes?
(Joe) The 25th amendment: The official amendment of 24. "Hi, I'm Mike Novick. You might remember me from such episodes as 'Season Two, Episode Three...."
(Scott) This doesn't sound like the speed of a group geriatrics.
(Scott) They should definitely bring Novick back on the show.
(Scott) She's coming on to him.
(Scott) Oh no, just offering perjured testimony.
(Scott) So you can do what's right for this country . . . starting World War 3, of course.
(Scott) The Vice President gets a door, but not the president?
(Scott) Conversations are recorded?
(Scott) Lennox is dead man.
(Joe) Tom Lennox should just use the thing in front of the Supreme Court. Or at least take some Secret Service members. He's definitely going to get an ashtray to the head.

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Blogger Laura said...

Mike never would have bugged the room the VP is using...

8:38 PM, April 02, 2007  
Blogger Scott said...

Yeah, Novick would have faked evidence or something of the sort.

8:42 PM, April 02, 2007  
Blogger Laura said...

After they put that chip in Gradenko's arm, did you notice the sound they used to use when the bionic man and woman used to use their bionic strength?

8:44 PM, April 02, 2007  
Blogger Scott said...

He un-bionic'd it right quick though.

8:47 PM, April 02, 2007  
Blogger Laura said...

Yeah, I bet from now on CTU will put those chips in legs instead of arms.

8:48 PM, April 02, 2007  

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