Monday, March 26, 2007

(Scott) A gun in her leg, eh?
(Joe) Commercial for 24 fans: Ellen Degeneres
(Scott) And then killing people with rotor blades
(Joe) Commercial for 24 fans: Win, Lose or Draw
(Scott) 8:14
(Joe) 08:14:40
(Joe) Regina King.
(Scott) Wayne Palmer, who will be saved by Karen's suggestion to just bring him back to life.
(Scott) Karen will also go down in history for her suggestion that we just go ahead and cure cancer.
(Scott) Also, everyone should get along.
(Joe) I need to scrape his skin off his skeleton and have someone walk around in his flesh-suit and run the country. Can you do this?
(Joe) As close as I seem to be to my brother's National Security Advisor....
(Scott) What Would Wayne Do. WWWD
(Joe) "If you do this, you can run CTU Los Angeles. I'll have the Attorney General draft something right now."
(Scott) Made our point.
(Joe) 300 kilotons? Big. Back in my day we worked with 40, tops.
(Scott) In fewer than 30 seconds, they've brought the president out of a coma and sent a message to the Lost bunker?
(Scott) Pentebarital drip? Are they trying to ensure that he's telling the truth?
(Scott) I will compel the hell out of you if you don't stop.
(Joe) Boy, he must be a South Pole elf.
(Joe) Sodium barbitol
(Scott) In 24 land, wearing a helmet is like the opposite of protection.
(Joe) vs. phenobarbital
(Scott) Just a matter of a few grains of salt.
(Joe) Do whatever you have to do to stabilize hi,
(Joe) m.
(Scott) We have to get him to a hospital! No? Ok, sure.
(Joe) Great. This is going to be a great scene.
(Scott) You're not a real cop. You're just some guy from a Chinese prison.
(Joe) He'll feel bad if he has to pull out his lung to get him to talk.
(Scott) IBC firewall to set up a proxy server port.
(Joe) Was the crying-trash-hating-native-american on Fox News in the background.
(Scott) Hauser's brother is like Edgar, but with personality.
(Scott) On loan from district.
(Joe) Only Edgar can't crap himself and teach a life lesson at the same time.
(Scott) Milo's shirt has a crab emblem.
(Joe) 08:24:08

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