Monday, April 02, 2007

(Scott) Any comments about Slim Fast advertising on 24?
(Scott) I notice Hardees isn't advertising their stroke burgers anymore.
(Scott) Followed by a Charlie Sheen commercial, and then a gardening expose?
(Scott) The demographics may not be what I was thinking for this show.
(Scott) Youtube, the TV show?
(Joe) 09:13:37
(Scott) 9:13
(Scott) Seriously Milo, trying to save the world . . .
(Joe) Shouldn't these people have 5 o'clock shadows? Or rather, 9 o'clock shadows?
(Scott) Nadia?
(Joe) Is little Ricky Shroeder allowed to have girls in his room?
(Scott) Or were you thinking of someone else?
(Joe) "I know we got off to a kinda bad start."
(Scott) Little Ricky has 5 o'clock shadow.
(Scott) The management of CTU is just terrible.
(Scott) Rat on Milo or he gets arrested . . .
(Scott) Oh, the consitution doesn't allow the president to fire the Vice President? Is that true?
(Joe) 'I will call the Attorney General right now and he will draft a document compelling you to check his computer.'
(Scott) Didn't Nixon fire a VP or two?
(Scott) I guess technically the Vice President is elected.
(Joe) Yeah. More than a few. Well, Agnew resigned at least.
(Scott) Hey, they brought back the cabinet monitors.
(Scott) The vote is 7-7
(Joe) The most exciting cabinet meetings in TV history.
(Joe) "Ah, ah, ah! No take-backs."
(Scott) If this thing is invalid, can someone just put me back in the coma again?
(Joe) What? Like no cabinet members would change their mind after the crazy machinations.
(Scott) Hah, the Supreme court is going to meet in an hour.
(Scott) No time for legal preparations.
(Joe) Yeah, I sense an assasination attempt on Daniels by Palmer.

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