Monday, April 02, 2007

(Scott) It's pronounced Lein-oCHs
(Joe) Commercial: Getting a mani-pedi and a new outfit.
(Joe) The Food and Drug Administration also is in favor of warmer-than-room-temperature bread. Too bad, Subway.
(Joe) Peyton Manning: Hilarious.
(Joe) I guarantee that 'Drive' started out as a reality show concept.
(Scott) 9:41
(Joe) Uh, you totally have to fire Daniels.
(Joe) No, fire the Vice-President.
(Scott) No action against the cabinet.
(Joe) This is totally a Catch-22.
(Scott) Now, someone put me back in a coma. My brain hurts.
(Joe) Only a crazy person would want to be President on a day wracked with complex issues and mass casualties... Therefore, Palmer is insane.
(Joe) I'm going to close my eyes and catch a twenty-minute induced coma. And my arm is falling off.
(Scott) We're locked on the Isotope signal?
(Joe) Popped out of the socket when I tried to answer the phone.
(Scott) Why do people answer pay phones on TV?
(Scott) I'm sure no one does this in real life.
(Scott) Gradenko on the move.
(Joe) Could be good ol' fashioned bones-in-a-coffin masturbatory spycraft.
(Scott) And, spirited away . . .
(Joe) Left turns, etc.
(Joe) Why would there be a secondary channel?
(Scott) Lost the signal . . .
(Joe) And why would it be off?
(Joe) Behind you!
(Scott) If he can just turn it off, it's not a good transmitter.
(Scott) It's a bomb?
(Scott) Another arm cutting. Eat on that Chase.
(Scott) Blood trail.
(Scott) There are some crumbs heading that way . . .
(Joe) Oh, Luke Wilson. Have you no dignity? At long last, have you left no sense of dignity?
(Joe) Or decency.

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Blogger Laura said...

What is going on with this show? It took 50 minutes before we get gun shots? fight!

8:51 PM, April 02, 2007  
Blogger Laura said...

Gradenko = shark food!

8:54 PM, April 02, 2007  
Blogger Scott said...

Yeah, a bar fight could have had possibilities. A 48 hours sort of thing. Except, I guess Gradenko would have to be Nolte.

8:59 PM, April 02, 2007  

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