Monday, April 16, 2007

(Joe) This commercial...
(Joe) ... written by Kids in the Hall.
(Scott) There's an SUV called the Patriot? Seriously?
(Joe) 11:15
(Scott) 11:15
(Joe) 11:15:32
(Joe) 'President Palmer the 44th was killed fifty years ago today.'
(Scott) Wayne Palmer appears to have completely recovered from brain swelling since the ten o'clock hour.
(Joe) 'our relationship has always been a marriage of convenience...'
(Scott) It's not me, it's you.
(Joe) "How dare you. You don't have the right to ask for my resignation."
(Scott) I'm going to replace you with Fred Thompson, I really should have chosen him anyhow.
(Scott) Can't someone give Palmer's stitches a trim?
(Joe) "Mr. President. I refuse."
(Scott) I mean . . . he's the president.
(Joe) Tom Lennox will certainly end up in a car trunk.
(Scott) What did you just call me?
(Joe) The President should always have witnesses talking to this guy.
(Joe) Also, the AG should start drafting pardons.
(Scott) Some time in the next week . . . ok, new assassination attempt coming . . .
(Joe) "I think someone's hacked into my system."
(Scott) Someone accessed my files . . .
(Chris) crap! ... just lost fox!
(Joe) "I'm the one who hacked into your system... I'll explain it to you in a little while."
(Joe) Meet me in the server room.
(Scott) A better tact to take would be "You were just looking at those files yourself. Why do you smell like Altoids?"
(Chris) i guess i'll just have to believe what you guys say
(Chris) not a wise move on my part
(Scott) FB sub-circuit board . . . more valuable than diamonds.
(Scott) Morris isn't really going to do it.
(Scott) Is Morris smelling his own breath? What did I drink last . . . mmmmm Scotch . . .
(Scott) Never grow up to be a generic soldier.
(Joe) Good, only two armed guards with M16s.
(Joe) Not the 'What's your name' trick.
(Joe) Christ.
(Scott) Armed guards are such push overs.
(Joe) Nice cellphone wallpaper, Jack. Does your husband have a phone, too?
(Scott) Why the noises? Is he testing the harmonics on the circuit board?
(Scott) Generic soldiers get a win.
(Joe) If that's the FB sub-circuit board...
(Scott) You may be right on the Little Ricky thing.
(Joe) The proprietary algorithms are only responsible for, like, sixteen pin-outs. Can't figure that out.

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