Monday, January 29, 2007

(Scott) 11:31
(Scott) I borrowed two of her processes to run a batch job?
(Joe) I borrowed two of her processors. Doing a batch job.
(Scott) So she's running at 20%.
(Scott) I think the math may be off a bit.
(Joe) The 40% processor kind
(Joe) That's illegal!
(Scott) Oh, right. Maybe 45 and a 35.
(Scott) The president is on the set of lost?
(Joe) I blue-flagged some things I should have tab-indexed.
(Scott) Do not forget to push the button.
(Joe) "I cannot elaborate."
(Scott) "Locking horns"
(Joe) Karen, that is unacceptable.
(Joe) "I'm sorry, Karen, I can not accept your resignation."
(Chris) I know what she's going through
(Joe) "You have been your own Gail."
(Joe) Reynolds?
(Scott) Karen's a bit of a pushover, resigning like this.
(Joe) Glycerine.
(Chris) I said the same thing to my boss when I tried to resign
(Joe) "Is there anything I can do to change you mind?"
(Joe) "Is there anything I can do to change your mind?"
(Scott) She's getting reassigned to LA. She'll be there withing the hour.
(Joe) Are those library security gates?
(Scott) Black smoke! The others are coming.
(Scott) She picked his pocket.
(Joe) Why did Hitler McYouth run into Karen? If he swiped anything...
(Joe) 11:36:24


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