Monday, January 15, 2007

(Joe) So, Jack wanted to keep word of the release hidden or whatever. How awkward would it be to run into Kim at the Orange Julius in Valencia.
(Joe) ?
(Scott) Oooh, Question marks. I just noticed.
(Joe) Blogger is busted.
(Scott) Blogger completely sucks tonight.
(Scott) Maybe they can't handle question marks . . .
(Joe) Unfortunate choices in eyewear for Michael Scofield.
(Joe) 'A new beginning?'
(Scott) 9:48
(Joe) Clearly they need Cisco to come in and redo their telephone system.
(Joe) "They were speaking Arabic, which I don't understand."
(Scott) What? Because I'm Muslim you think I understand Arabic?
(Joe) Is it Hamsa or Hhamza?
(Joe) Achmza?
(Scott) If I were Jewish would you expect me to make you a dradle?
(Joe) Articulated or gluttoral?
(Scott) Curtis is so jealous of Jack and Assad's new friendship.
(Joe) 'I'm going to need my people to review this.
(Scott) Curtis is completely going to go Jack Bauer on this guy.
(Joe) "If that's the way it has to be, then that's the way it has to be..."
(Joe) Wow, personally beheaded them. That's going to take more than a pardon.
(Scott) Hmm, the space invaders music. This isn't going to work out well.
(Joe) ... for Curtis to buy the dude a beard.
(Scott) Jack is definitely shooting Curtis . . .
(Joe) Curtis is totally not getting CTU of the Month.
(Joe) 'Try to arrest me again, Curtis. I never forget. Woo!'
(Scott) There's another year in therapy once he retires . . .
(Joe) Curtis is good, but he's no Tony Almeda.
(Joe) "I'll send a car for you, Jack."
(Scott) True, Tony did survive a shot to the neck.
(Joe) What, Curtis is laying in the street and they took the only SUV?
(Scott) But he never did get worse than a broken knee from Jack.
(Joe) Hmm, only a few minutes left. This raid is going to go super.
(Joe) 'Uh, this warehouse has been abandoned for ten years.'
(Scott) They're going to blow up the building, aren't they?
(Joe) I THINK I saw someone out there. 'Who?' Dunno.
(Joe) A detonation in Los Angeles.
(Scott) Yeah, that
(Scott) Yeah, that's bad, but it's not the first nuclear weapon to detonate on this show.
(Joe) I guess maybe I shouldn't have 1. Made a deal with a terrorist. 2. Set to release a bunch of terrorists.
(Scott) Yeah, there is some prett questionable judgement here.
(Joe) Totally called the 'five' thing. Shaadi would be proud.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my...

Well, I'll see you boys next week. Same Jack time ... Same Jack channel. :-)

10:04 PM, January 15, 2007  
Blogger Scott said...

Yep. There will even be prison break next week. Probably no liveblogging for that though.

10:08 PM, January 15, 2007  

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