Monday, January 15, 2007

(Scott) 9:19
(Joe) I didn't have time to fix everything.
(Joe) "I didn't want this tab-delimited, I wanted it in tables."
(Scott) Heh, I want columns, not tab-delimited.
(Joe) I think you saw a little more than a couple of movies.
(Scott) Oh, lord. Are they really arguing over Chloe? This is the worst.
(Joe) (Nudge.)
(Scott) Is table really a format?
(Joe) Bizaare.
(Joe) That was a page of printed dialog that more than one person though was a good idea.
(Joe) 15th and Channing. Named after the famed c
(Joe) 15th and Channing. Named after the famed comedienne.
(Scott) Jack is due for a killing by now, I'd expect.
(Joe) He's getting shaky.
(Scott) You can help us by paying all of your outstanding parking tickets.
(Scott) Mr Ambassador of . . .
(Joe) Well, this Middle East ambassador agreed with something. This totally corroborates everything.
(Scott) They've been straight with us so far.
(Joe) "Will we be greeted as liberators?" 'Suuuure!'
(Joe) See Curtis' face when he heard the President wanted to talk to Al-Assad?
(Scott) Ha! The first pardon in writing. Excellent!
(Joe) Ugh. They all want to see it in writing. At least it won't have to be faxed.
(Scott) We'll need it from the attorney general
(Scott) RE: Curtis's expression, I'm pretty sure Jack was eating his own scar tissue.
(Scott) Seriously, they should bring back Mike.
(Joe) Why do people need to specify the Priority when calling the President when it just goes through an assistant? "I'd put it through but he's on another line."
(Joe) Why do people need to specify the Priority when calling the President when it just goes through an assistant? "I'd put it through but he's on another line."
(Joe) I guess that's why they had to add the hotline to the commies.
(Scott) Oh, Alyeed will meet a bad fate, won't he.
(Joe) I'll tell you something brother...
(Scott) Why does that guy have all the tattoos?
(Joe) Anta tef ham arabee? Something about the number five.
(Scott) A package from who? I don't know an A-med.
(Scott) Oh, Aaaccchmed.
(Joe) "I got a package from Almood. Auhmeed? Ahmmid?
(Joe) 'Great, a bargaining chip.'
(Scott) Heh, so many unnecessary bargaining chips on this show.
(Joe) "... before you go, kill the boy."
(Joe) [09:31]
(Scott) They were going to sacrifice Jack and give the guy 25 million dollars. What are the odds this guy will be a worthwhile bargaining chip.


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