Monday, January 15, 2007


-Wow, back from break already. We're speeding right through this.
-Needless tedium between Morris and Chloe.
-Wayne Palmer is paralyzed with fear. He's definitely not doing so good at this job.
-The terrorists are definitely going to shoot down the plane load of prisoners.
-A little awkward sentimentality between Jack and Curtis. Jack clearly hasn't forgotten about Curtis threatening him with a gun.
-Is there someone in the back seat?
-Curtis is definitely going to try to kill Assad. I suspect this will not turn out well.
-He's going to stab him with a butter knife? Why not just let the pain killers kick in? Stupid kid . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does seem to be going by pretty fast, doesn't it?

8:30 PM, January 15, 2007  
Blogger Scott said...

Yeah, I think they've backloaded all of the commercials in the second half.

8:45 PM, January 15, 2007  

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