Monday, May 15, 2006


-The first lady is not so great at taking pills. That odd violin music is pretty distracting.
-The president comes by to return Aaron's phone.
-Having this president sit down and talk to you is likely a violation of the Geneva convention.
-Aaron is man of principle. Dead soon, but still.
-Does the Secret Service really off people? It just seems unlikely.
-Geeky looking terrorist screening his calls.
-How does the president believe this guy?
-Quick. Hide your phone, it's Mike.
-Can't track Bierko.
-And they're going to make a deal with Henderson. I bet he asks for a signed letter from the president.
-Anyone remember Jack going into the interrogation room to make a deal with the guy in season two?
-Jack's going to kill this guy before the season is out. No question.
-Maybe help him out of the country, but still kill him.


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