Monday, April 10, 2006

11PM and 12AM. Curfews aplenty.
"Which bank?"
"I wanna go home."
"Wayne, can you get us a room?"
"Keep pressure on the wound, I'll be right back."
"Audrey, it's Jack."
"Logan, are you sure?"
"Are you saying that President Logan had Palmer assasinated?" That's like saying President Kennedy was done in by a pair of wisecracking chipmunks.
"Upload every military checkpoint to my PDA so we can navigate around them." Also send some gay pornography to the military PDAs.
"Hey, let's get inside now."
"Let me see."
"It's going to hurt." By the way, you've got a hole in you.
"Sweetheart, you can see your mom now."
"So he got away." The greatest hero of all time was armed with a high-powered sniper rifle. Sorry, President Logan.
"Are you any closer to finding where she's hiding it."
"This whole thing was planned to make our country safer. Stronger." More middling.
"No, *you* have to focus on it."
"We knew this wouldn't be a seamless transition."
"Do you really believe under these circumstances that we would have done any better?" We could have generated way more paperwork.
"Yes, Mr. President."
"Karen, I'm issuing an executive order." I can do that can't I?
"I want you to make this CTUs top priority." No more fighting terrorists.
"I will forward it to you at the appropriate time."
"Put out an alert on Jack Bauer." Yes, I know how futile those things turn out to be.
"Direct order from the President."
"VPN pathway. Takes about an hour to crack." Maybe 45 minutes if Edgar was still alive.
"Audrey, it's a warrant for Jack's arrest." Seriously. Stop laughing.
"All you have to do is check the logs." Ah, yes. The logs. I can't count how many times Chloe has added/edited/deleted things from any number of logs. But yeah, Chloe, I'll check the logs.
"Who ordered this Karen?"
"You have a legal obligation to tell me if Jack contacts you."
"Have a good night."
"Valerie. Audrey's on her way."


"If you're uncomfortable with that you should stay here."
"I found a magnetic alarm." Ah. the de-magnetic alarmifier.
"Did you hear something?"
"Be right back."
"Just stay calm and everything will be fine."
"I can't"
"Every bank has procedures to allow access in emergencies."
"I want four of your neckties." No, not that one! I have blue eyes. BLUE eyes, jackass. Why would you pick green? I should shoot you in the kneecap.


Who teaches these kids to dial 911? And what a horrible, horrible child. Dumb, dumb, dumb.


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