Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Apple Mail 2.0.7
... is just the worst. If it were a person, I would not stop punching them. Okay, I understand that Apple is no longer the cult of Black Turtlenecks and shiny plastic and metal saturnalia, but for Christ's sake, just get rid of the rounded buttons in the toolbar. I've taken an informal poll and no one in the entire world (except for three people in Cupertino) would ever consider using Mail as long as those hideous icons (and the sinister rounded spawn behind them) continue leeching their terrorist-sympathizing anti-American poison on our screeens.

There are some solutions, however. Previous versions (not 2.0.7) could be fixed with the excellent and freely downloadable Cage Fighter (I'm sure PayPal donations would be gratefully accepted. No kickbacks -- I'm just a happy user.)

In the iterim, I've just taken to opening up the Package Contents of (YMMV, be careful, etc.) and deleting every image I find reprehensible. Well, after making a backup of Mail and just moving the images elsewhere. I plan on printing each of the horrible, horrible icons onto individual sheets of paper, setting them on fire, feeding the ashes to a cow, killing the cow and proceed to make hamburgers which I will feed to Amazonian pirhana whose life journeys I will follow until they die, then encase them one by one in blocks of concrete which I will drop in either A) The Marianas Trench or B) An active volcano. After doing this, I may dedicate my life to initiating violence among countries with nuclear weapons and the eventual demise of the world's population, ensuring that humanity will be spared from any future versions of Apple Mail with those freakin' buttons.


Blogger Scott said...

Here's an interesting product you could try . . .

They even have a trial version you can download . . .

9:59 PM, April 06, 2006  

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