Monday, April 10, 2006


-Morrie thinks the president's address went well. He liked it so much he invited him back up for another weekend.
-The president makes time with the crazy first lady. Accepts he apology like a pro.
-Evelyn gave up Jack in about two minutes. Now she can be dropped from the script.
-I can run up these steps in under two seconds!
-Somehow they found Audrey. They also picked the lottery numbers for 20 states and the super bowl winners for the next 15 years (sorry Seahawks fans).
-Crazy CTU analyst re-enters the script
-Someone took over a satellite with a class 1 priority overrider.
-Jack and Wayne get the incriminating evidence while the terrorists wait outside.
-What kind of telescope is it that Jack uses?
-The bank president thinks they should turn themselves in. Jack and Wayne have a good laugh.
-Using the police as a diversion in a firefight.


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