Monday, January 23, 2006

24 -- Episode five:

The following takes place between 11:00AM and 12:00PM . . .


-Heh, the old magnet sign over another sign trick. The cops always fall for it.
-Enjoy your last minutes CTU escorts . . .
-Yeah, ok. That swat logo looks real enough. Go ahead . . .
-Oh, no. The first lady has been sniffing chloroform again.
-The first bad angle ever on a camera accessed by CTU.
-Oh, I bet there's a nerve gas type of bomb in the hanger.
-Someone killed these rats. But who? Get forensics on it. I suspect Missus Boots.
-You didn't come back, you left. Very existential of the lightweight president.
-Yeah, important phone call from the Secretary of . . . umm . . . homeland strategery? What you mean that doesn't exist. I order that it exists!
-Sure, don't take out Jack when you have a gun to his head. Wait until he's in CTU.
-Aha, a mole in CTU. Definitely Chloe's one-nighter.


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