Monday, January 23, 2006

Ok, a half hour until Jack wreaks mayhem on the two unsuspecting CTU agents who are taking him in. Dave Attell has exited the show. Jack learned he needs to catch up on the most recent protocols. A hobbit is making the CTU director call him sire. Jack's love interest and snot-nosed kid are heading to the oh-so-safe confines of CTU headquarters. Oh, and the presidents wife is as looney as Mame Eisenhower during the polka dotting of the West Wing debacle.

So, to further my education, let's see what show is leading into 24 tonight . . .

Oh, holy crap . . . It's the celebrity skating thing. Seventies disco music, with an eighties star combined with an activity that no one cares about unless the participants wear disney heads. Is that Mark Hamill? Or is Mark Hamill the guy who played Luke Skywalker? I'm probably getting something wrong there.

Oh, great. Next is Debbie "Deborah" Gibson with an Andrew Dice Clay look-a-like. Ok, that's all I can take. Back with 24 . . .


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