Monday, January 16, 2006

[10:51] "Please take Derrick [Derek] away. Away from all Fox cameramen. Please."
What a baby.
Matthew Perry should really get a new agent.
"I need a few moments with you." ... Okay, tiger. Give me some time to recharge.
President Logan is *such* a horrible President. I'll give President Bush some slack for illegal domestic spying and his total disdain for the rule of law as long as he's not a pinko like this guy.
"Jack Bauer has a lot to answer for."
Oh, look, they're placing Jack under arrest. That worked out well last season.
We had a problem with Chevensky.
[10:57] You've got to be kidding me.
Gas masks.
Key card. can't make the big box beep otherwise.
And now.... King Rameses II.
Ah, yes! We've rescued the frozen embryos slated for (gasp) scientific research! This hole we've dug also shows the strata for the entire 6,000 years of Earth's history. Look at the fully intact Jesus horse!
Okay, maybe mix it up a little. Nuclear's been done, baby.
Ether? Do people still use Ether on a hankerchief? Or was that in the Forties?


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