Sunday, November 26, 2006

In other news . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't realize they were planning a movie of the series. Sounds interesting...

8:34 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Scott said...

Yeah, I'll definitely go see it, but I don't see how the concept can work. The show basically revolves around its serialized format. Squeezing 24 hours into two hours translates into compressing a normal episode into six minutes. And really, there are are three or four nights each season in which we get two hours of 24.

Who knows, though, maybe they'll do it as an extension to the upcoming season. Of course, that would make it 26, but it might work . . .

I suspect that they're just doing this to let Jack curse more. Either that or to arrange a Chloe-related sex scene.

9:43 PM, November 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ew... "Chloe-related sex scene" - four words I hope to never hear again! :-)

Maybe the movie would be the first 2 hours of the season and then they wouldn't have the 2hr eps that they have during the season and it could still be 24.

9:05 AM, November 28, 2006  

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