Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm always behind on stuff like this, but you can see a preview of what's to come on the Jack Bauer killing hour at

Turns out . . .

-Wayne Palmer is president (as if America would elect somebody just because of their family connections).
-America is under attack . . . again. By terrorists from the breakaway former soviet republic of Genericistan . . . again. San Antonio, St. Louis, Baltimore, and presumably L.A. are hit.
-Bill Buchanan (likely a mole) seems to be still in charge.
-Jack Bauer apparently has been bought back from the Chinese (completely screwing up that whole trade deficit thing).
-Apparently Kiefer Sutherland is using this season as an opportunity to audition for Charles Manson's After the Skelter: The Rest of My Life.
-Chloe appears annoyed . . . again.
-A terrorist attempts to get revenge on Jack Bauer by hurting him rather than killing him off right away (again).
-Explosions, gunfire, punching, PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON!
-Not even edgar can decode a 45.53 hash in a binary algorithm . . . anymore

Should be fun . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh... Heh...

1:41 PM, November 10, 2006  

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