I've been watching the Bears/Cards game. The inevitable has just happened.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Previous Posts
- Ok, so here we go, Jim Webb v. George Allen brough...
- No Prison Break tonight (and I'm pretty sure I'm d...
- How could I not know this about Dolph Lundgren's R...
- Fire and Brimstone: Poor Decisions by NBC, CBSOkay...
- Apparently next week Belick comes back. I stand by...
- They may want to redo the positioning on those ant...
- -The rat doesn't rat after all. Admirable, but pre...
- Also, am I remembering this wrong somehow? The kid...
- -I was about to say that Haywire is looking a litt...
- -The old I need my pills trick.-I guess T-bag does...
North Korea declared a Rex Grossman bootleg an act of war?
Morganna ran on the field again?
NASA admits moonlanding was faked?
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