Monday, April 24, 2006

"You need to cancel the action against Henderson immediately." Cancelling his Discover card wouldn't have done much anyway.
"Don't use that tone with me." E over middle C.
"We have a bigger problem than Henderson. He can be trusted to act rationally. Your wife, however, ..." was crazy for the first episode, er, I mean this morning.
"You are in a very difficult position." Congress of the Cow.
"You must silence her." Talk to Chloe O'Brien at CTU.
"We work around the clock, ma'am." That's actually true. (Aaron was shot at earlier today -- it seems a little odd that he wouldn't get a smoke break.)
"I don't know anything about a meeting." (Which I would have checked in the scheduling software.)
"There's a glitch in the scheduling software." Crap!
"This is a sensitive issue."
"You need to talk to the President about that."
(They killed the phone? Really?)
"There must have been some kind of a handoff."
"Jack, we're getting that recording and exposing Logan."
"... the civilian side of Van Nuys."
"Jack, if you don't get that recording, my father will have died for nothing." Well, when I see the footage, that was pretty damned cool.
"... logging all VPN cell traffic." (Sigh.)
When I hear, 'drove into the lake', I have a different opinion than seeing someone drive off a cliff. Just saying.
"I will."


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