Sunday, September 17, 2006

And that's it. Russert closes with a mention of the Buffalo Bills. Kind of a failure of both campaigns that no one gave him a football or a jersey.

No mention of gay marriage, flag burning, or tax cuts. But Republicans should still be happy. There were plenty of references to prominent Republicans (and not the pinko early Republicans either). I'll check through the transcript, but I'm certain that no mention was made of a Democrat of any sort. I guess that's the way the Webb campaign wants it. In anycase, I think Webb looked good. With the exception of the issue of women in combat and Tailhook, he was pretty strong on all of the topics discussed. He only looked awkward when he tried to insert the scripted comments about his son and Allen's lack of military service.

As for Allen, he talked a lot, but it was mostly in an effort to not answer the questions. Maybe a good strategy given the topics. It's hard to run on the success of the Iraq war.


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