Three words: Michael. Ian. Black.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Previous Posts
- Curtis is prepping a tactical team... (And will di...
- 24 -- Episode fourteen (?):The following takes pla...
- I'll say this for Prison Break. The last 3 minutes...
- In sum, 'Prison Break' is way harder to spoof than...
- New PrisonBreak info. Way better than the old vers...
- Curtis is definitely getting shot next week.
- [07:51]Emergency peace-keeping force? That's HORRI...
- [07:39]Kim: "Sorry about your friend that died. So...
- 7:51-The president is dispatching an emergency pea...
- Jack in full Bellichick regalia.I've decided that ...
Is. Entirely. Not. Funny.
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