Monday, February 13, 2006

Rudy, Interrupted. "Okay, try not to look like I got the crap beat out of me by a junkie hobo."
Jack Bauer is so badass, he didn't even try faking a pan-European accent. He pretty much picked up the phone and said "I'm Jack Bauer, who the f*ck is this?"
Any democratic candidates running for President in 2008: Hire Mike Novick.
Uh. Oh. The first person to put up with the batty First Lady is now trusted with national security secrets. This is going to turn out well.
Edgar: "I'm running the plates."
It's like "I Am Sam" with Keifer Sutherland all of a sudden. Upgrade. It's an interesting commentary that to adequately mimic a software developer you have to put on the airs of functional retardation.


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