Monday, February 27, 2006

24 -- Episode nine:

The following takes place between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM . . .

-After a few more episodes, the "previously on 24" section is going to take half of the hour.
-They make such nice cases for weapons these days.
-Yeah, so it's a terrible thing about what's happened to the president of Russia. Let's make a statement or something.
-My wife in the car of death. Hmmm, I think this is bad. Someone tell me, is this bad?
-As your husband, I demand you jump out of the car!
-Back at CTU, Audrey invites Edgar to the server room. Either she's coming on to him, or going to try to kill him
-McGill reminds me of someone I know. Can't quite put my finger on it.
-Oh, hey! Jack Bauer. Haven't seem him for awhile. Isn't this show about this guy?
-Jack sold out Henderson. Wasn't this referenced in season 1?
-McGill has access to survelliance throughout CTU . . . except the server room. Surely there's nothing important there.
-The president is killing me. Take him out Mike. Just take him out.


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