Monday, January 30, 2006

You are having a breakdown.
What's the truth, ma'am?
'Unlock code verified.' Was that stuck on with a magnet? And was that a keyboard? Is there a need for full text entry?
What the hell? Is this some sort of weird matchmaking venture now?
Not if the Chinese have anything to do with it...
I even loved you as I was torturing your husband. Even more so.
"Baby, I gotta bounce."
Apparently it's easy to sneak around the southwest gate of the President's compound after a major terrorist incident without much trouble.
Jack Bauer's forcing my hand.
Never pose a threat?
Who the hell are you calling?
Proof of WMD in central Asia.
How dare you put this country in jeopardy?
We [heart] oil.
Whoa, he admitted to killing Palmer?
Whoa, there Walt, my Presidency has been a disaster thus far... Hell, I wanted to rest my laurels on the treaty with the Ruskies.


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