Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Health care. Poor and the elderly? Really? We're doing that? Are we done? Electronic records. Hmm. I'm sure the Constitution allows you to *see* those records, right?
Medical liability reform, aka ...
"America is addicted to oil." Wow. Yeah, that part of the world *is* unstable. Keeps getting bombed and invaded.
Clean, safe nuclear energy, or Clean, Safe(TM) Nuclear Energy?
Better batteries?
Ethanol? Switch grass? Oak motts? Six years? Gosh.
2025. By applying the technology of America and move beyond an oil-based economy.
Se we went to war for oil, right? We didn't? Hmm.
Lead the world in human talent.
[9:50] An American Competitiveness Initiative. Every four years, we will kick the asses of the rest of the world. Maybe hold the first one in Torino, Italy.
Why show Lynn Cheney when talking about education? Didn't she want to burn biology books or something? Oh, the kid, right.
She looks like she can do math.
Ooh, lifting test scores.
Should they have had math & science?
High wage jobs? You're talking about teachers, yes? The thing you keep cutting funding for?
Compassionate society. Unless we hold you in a cell without charges for a couple years outside of the court system. Then, not so compassionate.
Right to be proud of this record. Democrat or Republican. Except Jim Jeffords, who's a traitor and can burn in hell.


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