Sunday, January 15, 2006

8:45? - I don't know. I was still floored by the Sprint commercial.

-I know I've put your kid in danger, but really this happens all the time. He's probably going to die.
-No, you're not going to find his body.
-We have ways to make you talk Chloe. Someone tell Jack he has an interrogation to . . . Oh, nevermind.
-Yeah, kid. I could have told you the truth. You're completely trustworthy, like all angst ridden teenagers.
-I care about you, but I will kill you if you irritate me. Remember that always.
-Ok, new theory. The first lady is being given drugs to keep her all crazy like.
-Chatter. Never get tired of hearing that word.
-Ah, so it's a diversion to off the Russian president and start a war.
-Clearly, Mike is in on it. You can tell by the shape of his head.


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