Sunday, January 14, 2007


-Bill call Karen about Jack. He also wants to see about that "breakfast."
-Apparently, there's some sort of ring involved . . . and some tension.
-Chloe: Nadia, you don't know me very well, but I'm incredibly tactless and somehow that seems to work for me.
-Fayad is the guy who wants Jack. His brother died while Jack was torturing him.
-CTU gave Fayad access to their satellites and intelligence? This sounds like a terrible deal.
-Jack shaved three feet of beard in about five minutes. I'm not so sure I'm that fast just from morning to morning. With or with out undergoing physical and mental anguish.
-This is such an odd situation. Basically they're assuming Jack will just go along with this whole scheme.
-So far as Chiefs of Staff go the Ally McBeal guy is no Mike.
-Detention centers are being set up in arenas and convention centers. The muslim community will be placated with horse shows and Harlem Globetrotters expositions for the next few years.
-Buchanan and Curtis are leaving Jack out to dry. And here begins the part where I wonder why the people who want Jack dead don't just do it quickly.
-A touching moment with Jack and Bill (who I still suspect to be a mole).
-Given the number of characters coming back from last season, I suspect at least one will die very early.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't there always some sort of tension in a marriage?

8:32 PM, January 14, 2007  
Blogger Scott said...

Well, it certainly doesn't work so good in 24 land.

8:44 PM, January 14, 2007  

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