Sunday, November 26, 2006

One more item of interest . . .

According to entirely non-exclusive sources, Fox is going to release the first four episodes of season six on DVD on January 26th at a suggested retail price of $14.98 (cheap!). The 24 Season 6 Premier DVD will be released after the episodes have aired, so the actual attraction here is that you get to see twelve minutes of the fifth episode before it airs.

I'm not entirely sure I get the reason why I would want to buy this. Is it worth fifteen dollars (+shipping, presumably next day for full value) to see part of an episode that will air a few days later?
In other news . . .
Curious about what Jack Bauer has been doing since last May? Apparently he's been working for the Chinese as some sort of roadie. Here's a clip . . .

Monday, November 06, 2006

Incidentally, the 24 fan map is either really new, or really sad . . .
I'm always behind on stuff like this, but you can see a preview of what's to come on the Jack Bauer killing hour at

Turns out . . .

-Wayne Palmer is president (as if America would elect somebody just because of their family connections).
-America is under attack . . . again. By terrorists from the breakaway former soviet republic of Genericistan . . . again. San Antonio, St. Louis, Baltimore, and presumably L.A. are hit.
-Bill Buchanan (likely a mole) seems to be still in charge.
-Jack Bauer apparently has been bought back from the Chinese (completely screwing up that whole trade deficit thing).
-Apparently Kiefer Sutherland is using this season as an opportunity to audition for Charles Manson's After the Skelter: The Rest of My Life.
-Chloe appears annoyed . . . again.
-A terrorist attempts to get revenge on Jack Bauer by hurting him rather than killing him off right away (again).
-Explosions, gunfire, punching, PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON!
-Not even edgar can decode a 45.53 hash in a binary algorithm . . . anymore

Should be fun . . .
Really T-Bag's arm was always going to come off . . .