Thursday, July 27, 2006

Like all bloggers (which, I've learned, is a shorthand for "let-me-type-down-my-opinions-and-some-funny-things-that-happen") I want the entire world clamoring for some of that Ol' Virginey magic we have here at LiveBlogging TV. Therefore: Macs are better than PCs. Feel free to comment.

If you like Warren Cheswick or the Daily Show or commercials...

Also, Kirk was better than Picard.
And Marvel is better than DC Comics.
Uh, Adidas is better than Nike and Coke is better than Pepsi.
Also, the One True Church is the Catholic Church.

Edit: For a fun drinking game, take a shot everytime you see the phrase “macs are for jews and liberals” in the comments linked above. (Not below.) The picture is great, but take another drink for "why do stupid people hate macs?".


Blogger Scott said...

Also . . .

The cartoon Hobbit was way better than the Lord of the Rings trilogy (book and movie).

Dick York was better than Dick Sargent.

Eddie Munster beats Pugsly Addams.

And Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is more realistic than Star Trek (any version).

Damn straight . . .

9:00 AM, July 27, 2006  
Blogger Live Blogging said...

What? That's something Hitler would say! In Soviet Russia, the cartoon Hobbit watches you! 1 @m A 133t h@x0r. w00t!

10:17 AM, July 27, 2006  
Blogger Live Blogging said...

Bu seriously, Dick York *was* better than Dick Seargant.

10:23 AM, July 27, 2006  

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