Monday, March 13, 2006

-Ok, you've had two minutes of therapy Chloe. Time to get back at it.
-Look pysch-man. Trying to save the world here . . .
-Yes, it was only a matter of time before Jack tried to kill Barry. Care to talk through that?
-The nerve gas has been mixed with acid. Seriously. Also snakes. The nerve gas has been mixed with snakes.
-When Mike Novick is playing the good guy, there's just no positive outcome. By the way, anyone else suspect he wasn't really on the phone to anyone?
-I'm just not buying this whole corrosive gas thing. Even if it is possible, I'm just not buying it.
-Jack's going to save the world by holding his breath. Why is he not just shooting something?
-Seals are 80% gone. Speaking of which, a baby seal walks in the bar. The bartender says, "what can I get you"? The seal replies "anything but a Canadian Club."


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