Sunday, January 15, 2006

[7:00] -- No job... what does he have to wake up so early for? Oh.
Phil Stone. Rock. Solid. Cool Jack alias if it had panned out. Greg? Craig? Lame.
What is he a woman? What guy plays the 'you didn't hear a word I said' game? Brother?
Memoirs. Melancholy.
Yep, brother.
Hmm. What state is he from?
Whoa! God-damned snipers.
[7:18] Neck shots are never good.
The defining moment?
I. Hate. Crazy. Family. Members.
Mike Novak.
That's like taking out Jimmy Carter. Who would bother?
CTU. You know, the FBI handles things like this too.
Secret Service.
President Logan.
Arrested the person who did this? What the hell?
Inter-agency Protocol Level 5
Ah, C-loe loves the love-making.
Who is she in charge of?
"They think you're retarted, primarily."
Oh, Spencer.
Arrogance turns me on a little.
What a horrible, horrible ringtone.
[8:23] Retreat.
Wayne Palmer.
Ah, Frank is a better name. And with a truck.
Christ, a teenage kid. They usually make a 24 episode *way* better.
The Albatross.
Frank Flynn.
Ah, he broke the kid's will. I sense a sub-plot.
"I also trust giant hoop-earrings."
Tony & Michelle. Solid. (snap & pointing gesture)
CTU has a lot of turnover...
[8:39] Running a buisness.
What horrible design.
Holy crap.


Blogger Live Blogging said...

Enjoying the live blogging :-)

8:31 PM, January 15, 2006  

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