Monday, January 23, 2006


-Mike, the evil chief of staff, seems like a good candidate.
-Tony is about to be heroic. Perhaps giving key information in his dying breath?
-Look kid. If Tony dies because I stopped to talk to you, I'll kill you, resurrect you, and kill you again. I know how.
-Spencer works for NSA?
-Security at CTU is the worst.
-Wow. Jack's great in a scissor fight. [Note: The other guy was reaching for a Post-It-Note. Scissors beats paper anyday.]
-Stop stabbing yourself. Why do you keep stabbing yourself?
-Cracked rib. First Jack injury of the season.
-The guy was here to fix the copier. I figured it was ok to let him in.
-Kill him!
-Pansy . . .
-Yeah, let's go see the president. He's in the phone book, right?


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